Saturday, 25 January 2014


IT seems difficult that AAP could win more than 25 seats in Lok-Sabha election14 and could be a cause to STOP NAMO, but Congress is taking AAP as their instrumental representatives which they believe can STOP NAMO from becoming the PM of India.
This is not a question about that how many seats that AAP can win in this election, or NAMO will become PM of India or NOT, the real question is this that CONG should be given one more chance to Extend UPA series or not, the fact is that everyone wants to get rid of CONG-GOVT, which allegedly reported by tons a failed GOVT on every front even the most corrupt.
The action taken by AAP-PARTY these days, push the party down from the popularity level of the PARTY as before Delhi elections , in the eyes of a common man, though it may prove wrong to make an early opinion that AAP-GOVT is behaving in an unconstitutional manner, actually the seeds of the party came from the movement which took place on the roads & supported by lacs of people of India, so we have to understand that it will reflect in the action of the GOVT too, people expectations are too high from Mr. Kejriwal and the AAP-GOVT clearly understands the same and acting in that manner as well, so too my mind nothing seems wrong in their action and definitely the AAP-PARTY is not going to lose its supporters as well the only thing which AAP-GOVT as well as AAP-PARTY can do that they will have to show patient and will have to wait for the right time & to do the things favoring the common people of  Delhi and in segments India this is the only key to success.
NOW on NAMO there is no doubt in my mind that he is going to become the Prime Minister of India after 14LS-ELECTIONS, it doesn’t mean that BJP is going to win the election, its only modi factor & CONG-GOVT Failure that will lease to that situation, people are really reluctant to vote to these both parties which are national parties of India and they could do not much for the nation or to the common man, now they are learning from AAP and the government of GUJRAT.

Two HERO emerged in the Indian politics in 2013-14 Mr. Narendra Modi & Mr. Arvind Kejriwal and now they both have taken charge to make the principles of politics as per the views of the common man and they are compelled to do this as well.- Anupam Jaiswal

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