Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Ordinary to Extraordinary

The world is composed of people. The people who are full of emotions, desires, beliefs, knowledge, courage; they are ordinary, simple, happy, calm, rich, poor, selfish, selfless, arrogant, modest, sophisticated, visionary and Extraordinary.
Yesterday I have finished the reading of life stories of few extraordinary persons which I had started r few months back and I was amazed that how they turned their lives from default to planned and how ordinary persons became extraordinary, how they succeed in their lives.
What I found that there were a lot of similarities among the heroes of all the stories, they had a lot of common but mostly uncommon habits and virtues. I would love to share the findings:

Know yourself

The first thing I found that It on the way to extraordinary it doesn’t matter of which genre you are, what matters is -do you know yourself much better that anyone else knows you? If the answer is yes you are on the way to the Extraordinary which I am talking about.
All of them were very much aware of themselves, at some point of time in their lives they all realized the purpose of their lives and acted accordingly. To know oneself is the most difficult yet attainable task, when you come to know yourself you do not remain an ordinary person but you turned into an extraordinary person, who knows exactly where he stands and what he needs to move towards the Extraordinary. Actually you are responsible to meet yourself with true yourself.
Develop yourself
They all remained very consistent in developing themselves throughout their lives, they realized their weakness and strengths and started overcoming from their weaknesses by choosing the right path of value addition. They equipped themselves with the most desired skills required to move towards Extraordinary.

Be clear

They all were very clear about what they were doing. Most of the time, they had strong reasons for the tasks they were to accomplish. They had clarity in minds regarding the objectives.


Sometimes battle win by observation only and hit the target at the most appropriate time. I found that all the heroes of the stories were great observers. They were very cautious regarding their activities, they keenly observed before they acted, they were ready to learn from their mistakes and utilized the smallest drops of their time doing constructive activity. They were aware of the fact that “ Be active but keep it in mind that every activity is not productivity”.

Help others

Helping others is the most rewarding activity, it comes back to you at any point of time in your life.

Give back to society

They had a burning desire to give back to society and they always had this thought in mind. Now on the path of ordinary to extraordinary, it’s your turn, so be ready to give back to society and find your own ways.

Never quit

They all did the genius act of “Not Quitting” whenever they had a strong urge to Quit, strong reason to Quit.

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